Whether you are prospecting new customers, assessing a loan or striving to retain the customers you want, the foundation of making the best credit decisions rests on utilising the best quality data. At Experian, data is the foundation of what we do, and starts with our credit profiles. Built on the knowledge we have on more than 19.8 million credit-active Australian consumers, the profiles can assist you to make informed and profitable business decisions.
Get an understanding of creditworthy individuals so that you can grow your business whilst keeping financial risk to a minimum.
When evaluating consumer credit, the ability to make the right decisions is only as good as the data driving those decisions. With a 360-degree view of a consumer’s credit demand, liabilities and repayment behaviour, Experian Credit Reports & Score provides detailed insight to help you make informed decisions during customer acquisition. The comprehensive report reduces the need to gather information from multiple sources and helps you quickly identify which customers to deal with and which to avoid.
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