Order Your Free* Experian Credit Report
A picture of your personal credit history
Before we can process your request and to protect your identity, you will be required to provide the credit reporting information we hold on you from ONE of the following identification documents. Please ensure you have acceptable photo identification ready before completing the report request.
Acceptable Identification:
If you’re at least 18 years of age and you are, or have been, a borrower of money, credit reporting bodies (CRBs) such as Experian are likely to hold credit reporting information about you. Your free* Experian credit report can be ordered once every 3 months. In order to provide you with your report, we need to check and verify your identity.
Once you’ve provided the required information and submitted your credit report request, your information will be verified, and your request will be processed. You will then receive your free Experian credit report within 10 working days.
Credit Report requests from a third party can be ordered on behalf of a consumer (e.g. solicitors, credit repair agencies).
To complete the request, the following information will need to be provided via email to: creditreport@au.experian.com
100 points of identification check
Please provide a minimum of 100 points of identification and proof of address from the list below.
Driver Licence issued by an Australian State or Territory | 40 |
Roads and Maritime Services (Formerly RTA) photo card | 40 |
Proof of Age Card (Government issued) | 40 |
Government employee ID (Australian Federal/State Territory) | 40 |
Current Australian Tertiary Education Institution Photo ID | 40 |
Defence Force Identity Card (with photo) | 40 |
Foreign passport (current) | 70 |
Australian passport (current) | 70 |
Medicare card issued by Health Insurance Commission | 25 |
Credit card or debit card issued by a financial institution in Australia | 25 |
Australian Marriage Certificate (Australia Registry issue only) | 25 |
Change of Name Certificate (Australian Registry only) | 25 |
Taxation Assessment Notice | 25 |
Centrelink card issued by Centrelink | 40 |
Department of Veteran’s Affairs card issued by DVA | 40 |
Working with Children / Teacher’s Registration Card | 40 |
Full Birth Certificate (not a Birth Certificate extract) | 70 |
Utility bills (e.g. phone, electricity or gas) | 20 |
Australian Mortgage Document (current address) | 25 |
Property rates notice | 25 |
Bank or credit card statements showing your current residential address | 25 |
Property lease agreement | 25 |
A credit report is a detailed record of your credit history, including the types of credit you have had and how you have repaid that credit. Your credit report may include a 24-month history of whether you have made your loan repayments on time. This is known as “repayment history information” and a good repayment history will help you to get approved when you apply for credit.
A credit report is made up of a range of personal and financial information. Below are the typical types of information found on a credit report:
● Personal Identifying Information – Information such as your name, address, driver’s licence number or date of birth is required for identification purposes. Updates to this information come from information you supply to credit providers, or when you request your credit report from Experian and third-party organisations, such as price comparison websites.
● Credit Account Information – Credit providers, such as banks, report information about each credit account you have with them. They report the type of credit account, the date you opened the account, your credit limit or loan amount, and your payment history.
● Credit Enquiries – Your credit report lists the enquiries or requests that lenders have made for your credit reports within the last five years. When you apply for a loan, for example, you authorise your lender to ask for a copy of your credit report.
● Bankruptcies & Judgements – Credit reporting bodies also collect bankruptcy information from courts.
In Australia, everyone has the right to one free credit report every three months from each of the three main credit reporting bodies. These reports include the information that credit providers see when you apply for a loan, so it is important to check each report.
If you have already accessed your free credit report, you can still get another free copy if you have been declined credit in the last 90 days or had an item corrected on your credit report.
You can access a free Experian credit report every three months via our website here.
Understanding your Experian credit report is vital. It may help you improve your credit score, which could mean access to a broader range of financial products, such as a mortgage with a better interest rate.
Access more information on what you can find in your Experian Credit Report here.
There are multiple sections that may appear in your credit report. An overview of each section is outlined below.
Personal Information - This shows details that are used to assist in identifying you, such as your name, address, driver’s licence number, or date of birth. This information is not used in determining your credit score, it is simply used to ensure the correct credit information is connected to the right individual.
Credit Enquiries - Any applications you have made for credit in the last five years, as well as the name of the organisation you applied to, amount (if applicable) and type of credit will show up on your credit report. It does not show if the application was successful or not, simply that an enquiry was made.
Consumer Credit Accounts - This section includes Information about credit accounts relating to payments you have made in the last two years that have been reported by your credit providers to the Experian credit bureau. This includes the type of credit, the name of the credit provider and dates accounts were opened and closed.
You will see that all your open accounts are grouped, and any closed accounts are also listed together. Whilst an account is open, information about that account can be seen on your Experian credit report. Once you close an account, the information can still be viewed for two more years.
Repayment History - Your payment history is recorded on a month-by-month basis by your credit provider, such as a bank. Other providers will see a 24-month history of the repayments you have made. Only banks, credit unions and other types of finance companies can report or access your repayment history information. Phone, gas and electricity providers are not able to report or access this information.
Consumer Default - Your Experian credit report shows the details of any defaults that have been reported to the Experian credit bureau by credit providers, such as the amount you owe or owed when the account defaulted, and the status of the default.
A default is a formal notification from your credit provider to a credit reporting body indicating you are 60 days or more overdue in making a payment on a debt. Typically, a default stays on your credit report for 5 years.
Consumer Serious Credit Infringements - The information in this section will show details of circumstances in which any of your credit providers believe you have committed a serious credit infringement. Serious credit infringements appear on your credit report for 7 years.
Public Information - Information about you that is publicly available is also included in your credit report. This may include information about whether you have been made bankrupt or had judgements made against you. This may include personal insolvency information, debt agreements and any judgements that are consumer credit related. We may also include any information about company directorships you have held.
File Access Records - Records of file access have no effect on your credit score. This section is for your record only and is NOT shared with any credit providers. This may include subscription to websites that provide you with a free credit score like; Clear-Score or finder.com.
Your credit history is established as soon as you submit an application for any credit related product from a credit provider, such as a mortgage, credit card, or personal loan. Phone contracts and utility bills are also included, as are any facilities that allow you to buy now, pay later.
Once the credit provider has passed your credit information to a credit reporting body, your credit history has begun. Over time your credit provider will continue to communicate your credit related behaviours, which in turn will continue to build your credit history. The information will be included in your Experian credit report.
A change of name may mean you have two credit files - one in your previous name and one in your current name. If you have recently changed your name and you have two credit files, contact Experian by raising a dispute through our corrections process here so your files can be combined into one.