Get ready for Cannes Lions 2024—the advertising industry is buzzing with excitement. This year’s event promises to be a centre of innovation, ideas, and networking. Here are five themes we expect will take centre stage in conversations and how Experian Marketing Services can help marketers be prepared for what’s ahead.

Cookie deprecation and signal loss

At Cannes Lions 2024, the theme of transitioning to a cookieless advertising ecosystem is likely to dominate discussions. The saga of cookie deprecation continues to unfold, with Google recently pushing back the demise of third-party cookies once again.

With Experian, the loss of cookies does not equate to a loss of coverage. With our strong roots in offline data and significant investments in alternative data sources, Experian ensures uninterrupted and effective marketing with robust signal coverage, with or without cookies.


The theme of commerce is poised to be a central topic of discussion at Cannes Lions 2024, reflecting the emergence and growth of retail media networks (RMNs). Evolving customer expectations are a key driver, with consumers demanding seamless and personalised experiences across all touchpoints of their shopping journey. The importance of bridging physical and digital experiences to create a cohesive customer journey will undoubtedly feature prominently in discussions at Cannes.

The evolution of retail media is propelling us into a new era of advertising and first-party data monetisation. The integration of e-commerce with advertising presents an exciting opportunity for brands to drive direct sales through ads displayed within retail platforms, blurring the lines between marketing and commerce.

Experian solutions provide access to thousands of demographic and behavioural data points, enriching your customer profiles for deeper insights. By combining first-party data with Experian’s industry-leading data sets, you can create bespoke audience segments that drive increased return on investment (ROI), going beyond conventional category-based segmentation strategies.

Looking ahead, the future outlook for RMNs remains promising, with anticipated growth and expansion as brands increasingly recognise the value of reaching consumers precisely at the point of purchase.

Connected TV

At Cannes Lions 2024, we anticipate discussions to focus on how connected TV (CTV) can continue to live up to its promise. CTV is the most rapidly expanding advertising channel in the U.S and 95% of advertisers plan to increase their share of spend on programmatic CTV in 2024, according to The Trade Desk’s latest CTV report. The growing adoption of CTV among viewers, driven by factors like quality content, reduced ad interruptions, and cost-saving alternatives to traditional cable, signals a shift in consumer behaviour that marketers cannot afford to overlook.

Experian supports the growth of advertising interest in CTV through our signal-agnostic Graph that connects CTV IDs, universal IDs like Unified I.D. 2.0 (UID2), IPs, and mobile ad IDs (MAIDs) for effective activation.

Consumer privacy

Consumers are increasingly aware of privacy concerns surrounding their data. We expect consumer privacy to be a significant topic of discussion at Cannes Lions 2024, reflecting the growing importance of ethical data practices in advertising.

In a recent Q&A with Datavant, Jeremy Meade, VP of Marketing Data & Product Operations at Experian, highlights the importance of balancing data privacy and utility, focusing on “data for good” practices while using de-identification techniques to support research without compromising consumer privacy.

Campaigns and competition

The theme of campaigns and competition is poised to be an important discussion point, driven by the convergence of major global events such as this years Olympic Games. These landmark occasions present unique opportunities for marketers to craft campaigns that resonate with specific audience segments.

The Olympic Games in Paris offers a unique opportunity for sports marketing. With billions of viewers expected to tune in, the global spectacle presents a platform to engage with passionate sports audiences worldwide. Using Experian’s audiences, marketers can precisely identify sporting goods shoppers, avid fans, athletes, and spectators alike.

You can connect with Experian at Cannes Lions 2024

Cannes Lions 2024 promises to be a milestone event, and Experian is ready to lead conversations on these pivotal topics. Let’s connect at Cannes to explore how Experian can support your 2024 advertising strategies.


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