This Privacy Policy Statement applies to the collection and use of personal information by Experian Australia, including information collected through the various websites operated by Experian Australia that link to this Statement. It does not apply to personal information collected through websites that have their own Privacy Statements. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to these practices please email us.
Experian Australia Credit Services Pty Ltd is a credit reporting body under the Privacy Act, and does not collect, use or disclose your personal information other than as part of its credit reporting business. As a result, the information collected, used and disclosed is regulated under Part IIIA of the “Privacy Act 1988” rather than the Australian Privacy Principles. You should be aware that other entities within the Experian corporate group may collect, use and disclose personal information not related to credit reporting. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to these practices please email us.
Following an independent review pursuant to clause 24.2 of the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014 Experian Australia, Credit Services welcomes the release of the Final Report on the review of Credit Reporting Body - specific obligations of the Privacy Act and CR Code conducted by Piper Alderman.
The object of the review was to assess Experian Australia, Credit Services’ compliance with the credit reporting obligations in Part IIIA of the Privacy Act, the Privacy Regulation and Credit Reporting Code. It should be noted the review does not cover compliance with the Australian Privacy Principals or any other obligations under the Privacy Act.
In summary the report confirms Experian Australia, Credit Services is compliant with Part IIIA of the Privacy Act and the CR Code.
Experian Australia, Credit Services would like to thank all stakeholders who have made valuable contributions to the review.
Clause 23.11 of the Credit Reporting Privacy Code 2014 (CR Code) requires credit reporting bodies such as Experian to generate a report that includes the information requirements as outlined in clause 23.11 of the CR code (referred to as “The Credit Reporting Annual Report”) and published on their website. The report includes statistics on Experian’s credit reporting performance (requests, corrections, complaints, serious credit infringements and comprehensive credit reporting activity); a summary of Experian’s monitoring and auditing efforts of credit reporting activities; and any other information requested by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).
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This statement outlines our Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy and objectives.
These terms set out the conditions under which we purchase our goods and services
If you have any questions about this website, our privacy policy or terms of use please use the relevant contact details on our Contact Us page.
This policy details the principles and standards by which Experian encourages Whistleblowers to come forward with their concerns about suspected misconduct or harm or breaches of the law or dangers at work and the community as well as the reporting of such concerns while protecting Whistleblowers’ legal rights.